
目前分類:生物化學及醫學 (4)

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Erythropiesis (紅血球生成) is a process of producing Red Blood Cells (RBC) from bone marrow stem cells. The process incluces different stages. At last, cells will go through maturation, losing nucleus and other organells, than get into blood circularion.  The production of RBC is EPO required. This cytokin is produced from kidney (mainly) and liver, than transported to bone morrow.

It is very important to maintain the normal function of erythropoiesis. The reason is that if there is somthing wrong during the process, the numbers of RBC will be decrease (or with low life-span of RBC). The outcome of it must be anemia. Hence by investigating the control of mechanisum in erythropoiesis, it can help us to develop new durg for treating anemia.

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本人在此真的衷心希望各位TB病人要有責任感, 千萬要完成整個療程, 絕不能因沒有病徵出現而私自停葯, 否則後果嚴重!!

不完成整個抗生素療程, 可令部份未死的細菌產生mutation, 發展出resistance. 結果, 原來治療TB的一線葯物對體內的細菌無效. 這不但令治療變得更複雜, 病人可能要改用副作用較多而效果較差的二, 三線葯物, 而且更會把超級細菌傳給社區內的其他人, 令社區對TB的控制變得更困難. (UK就是一個好好的反面教材)

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唸了一個sem的Neuro, 當然要考試啦!! 不過,正如老闆說的,有很多東西要記......記的還要是大堆病,大堆toxin,葯名, 還有人見人怕的Receptors!!!


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以下是小妹的傑作,但不是最後version,因為我在交去department office之前還交給我老闆改第4次......


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